Skyrim Hearthfire DLC - How To Build a House and Find Building Materials

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Where to find common materials:

Iron Ingots: 01:06

Quarried Stone: 01:20

Clay: 01:36

Sawn Logs: 01:46

Straw, Glass, Goat Horns, and other miscellaneous items: 01:59

-Buying a Plot of Land-

Before you can begin construction, you'll need to own a plot.

To purchase a plot of land, you'll be contacted by courier to speak with one of three Jarls or their stewards. If you're a Thane, you won't be contacted by courier, but you can still make a purchase.

Find the Jarl in Morthal, Falkreath, or Dawnstar. Find even more details on where to buy plots with our full land-purchasing guide.

-Constructing Your House-

Once the plot is purchased, travel to the site. There, you'll find a Drafting Table and Carpenter's Bench. These can be used to craft materials into the new items of Hearthfire used for construction; nails, locks, hinges, and fittings.

You'll also need to collect new house-building items.

Each plot begins with a treasure chest with: 30 Clay, 30 Quarried Stone, 6 Iron Ingots, and 1 Corundum Ingot

To begin construction on your home, interact with the Drafting Table to bring up the

Small House Layout. Then, choose where to place the rectangle where the foundations for your house will be placed.

Below, you'll find our list of materials needed to construct houses, followed by our step-by-step guide to construction, what order you'll need to build, and what can be built.

-House-Crafting Items-

Raw Materials:

Sawn Logs: Purchased material, only available from a Saw Mill.

Clay: A mined material. Use a pickaxe on a brown mound on your purchased plot. The mound contains an unlimited supply.

Quarried Stone: A mined material. Use a pickaxe on a large rock near your construction site. The rock contains an unlimited supply.

Straw: Purchased by a servant or at general stores.

Goat Horns: Purchased by a servant or at general stores.

Glass: Purchased by a servant or at general stores.

Crafted Materials:

Hinge: 1 Iron Ingot crafts 2 Hinges

Lock: 1 Iron Ingot and 1 Corundum Ingot crafts 1 Lock

Nails: 1 Iron Ingot crafts 10 Nails

Iron Fittings: 1 Iron Ingot crafts 1 Iron Fitting

-Building A Small House-

To begin your small house, you must first always build the foundation and the wall framing first. Next, you'll need to build the walls, then floor and roof, and lastly the doors.

This is the basic process for construction at every level of your house, and whenever you make additions such as new additional wings.

-House Crafting Build Order-

Foundation: (10) Quarried Stone, (1) Sawn Log

Wall Framing: (10) Nails, (6) Sawn Logs

Walls: (8) Nails, (4) Clay, (2) Sawn Logs

Floor: (4) Quarried Stone

Roof Framing: (6) Sawn Logs

Roof: (10) Nails, (1) Sawn Log

Doors: (2) Hinges, (2) Nails, (1) Lock, (1) Iron Fitting, (1) Sawn Log

Once you've completed every step — welcome to your new home! Now you can work on expanding it with all sorts of new features.

-The Main Hall: Building Your Mansion-

Once you complete the Main Hall, you'll be able to remodel into an Entry Hall. This allows you to construct three new foundations that attach to this central hall, these "wings" are just new additions to expand your home.

After completing your original Small Home, you can also begin construction on several exterior features, such as: stables for horses, a smelter, a garden for growing plants, a grindstone, an apiary, an animal pen, and an armorer workbench.

Indoors, you can expand with; a library for storing books, a kitchen for cooking, an armory with weapon/armor displays, a greenhouse for alchemy ingredients, a trophy room where defeated monsters can be displayed and a special tower for enchanting.

This is a video guide showcasing how to upgrade your house in the Hearthfire DLC of Skyrim and how to find the material you'll need to perform those upgrades.

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